ASCENS Project Blog

What are Ensembles? And Why Should I Care?

Our goal in ASCENS is to build "Autonomic Service-Component Ensembles"—sounds nifty (or so we thought), but what does it actually mean?

A Little Bit of History

The meaning for "ensemble" that we use in ASCENS was coined in the InterLink project's work group on software-intensive systems and new computing paradigms, somewhere around 2007. In this group we all agreed that many systems that we will be building in the next decades will share a number of important properties.  But none of the terms in current use—software-intensive systems, cyber-physical systems, etc.—seemed to really differentiate the entities we were talking about from those we were not particularly interested in.  At some point Seth Goldstein suggested the name "ensembles" for the kinds of complex, networked cyber-physical systems we were discussing and it proved to be an instant hit in our group.  When writing up the report for our workshop I needed a word for "ensembles which are not cyber-physical systems", so I hijacked Seth's term for this more general concept and used physical ensembles for the original meaning.

Well, then, the million dollar question is:

What are Ensembles?

Glad you asked.  Ensembles are software-intensive systems with massive numbers of nodes or complex interactions between nodes, operating in open and non-deterministic environments in which they have to interact with humans or other software-intensive systems in elaborate ways. Ensembles have to dynamically adapt to new requirements, technologies or environmental conditions without redeployment and without interruption of the system’s functionality, thereby blurring the distinction between design-time and run-time.

More catchy but less precise: ensembles are these systems where we currently know neither how to specify them nor how to build them.  Wait a moment—there are systems that satisfy the definition of ensembles that have successfully been built.  What about Google's infrastructure?  What about the German LKW-Maut system?

The Good, the Bad, and the Lucky

Google's services definitely can be considered as an ensemble, and in fact cloud computing is one of the case studies in ASCENS.  Why do we then claim that we don't know how to build ensembles?  Well, Google's infrastructure, consisting of several clusters with hundreds of thousands or even millions of servers, is massive any way you look at it.  But it is mostly used to scale (more or less) well-understood tasks with simple user interactions to unimaginably large data sets and numbers of transactions.  Google as well as other "internet-scale" companies had to come up with clever solutions to overcome scalability problems, and this is probably one area of ensemble engineering where we will see a lot more progress in the future.  But still, leaving aside the algorithmic problems of search, the problem of dealing with huge amounts of data, and some other trivialities (and thereby ignoring everything that makes Google tick...) the basic problem a search engine faces is building an index and looking up keywords in this index.  So, yes, it is actually possible to build ensembles, at least for some of the simpler scenarios.  If you want to be successful with that, it's probably a good idea to follow in Google's footsteps and focus on ensembles where the main problems are algorithms and scalability. And to hire some of the brightest minds in computer science to do it. It doesn't hurt to build better web interfaces than anybody else and to revolutionize our understanding of what web apps make possible, as they did with Google maps. And to generally do no evil.

Easy as pie. But just in case you weren't planning on following these steps, take care. Things can blow up in your face real quick.

Let's look at the German LKW-Maut system, the automated billing for truck's usage of motorways.  The one good thing that can be said about that project is that it was finally completed.  But it's not the kind of project you want to base your career on: The tender was accepted on September 20, 2002 with an expected completion date of August 31, 2003, one year later.  After many troubles and changes in consortium management, the system started in a limited manner on January 1, 2005 and reached its full capabilities on January 1, 2006—more than 3 years after it started—with billions of Euros lost in expected revenue and with liquidated damages of 1.6 billion Euros.  While this is a somewhat extreme example, large delays, cost overruns and systems that fulfill only a part of their original requirements are not at all uncommon when we try to build complex software systems using current development methods.

So the question is: How can we find reliable ways to build these kinds of systems?  And what's the best way to build ensembles so that we can have confidence that they actually do what we want them to do?

And there is more: Google and the LKW-Maut system both work in relatively well-known environments with slowly changing requirements and infrastructure.  What happens when you change to more dynamic scenarios? For example, what if you wanted to dynamically distribute the joint computing power of several universities to research projects in a "research grid"?  How can we ensure that the distribution is fair to everybody involved?  How do we deal with parts of the research grid suddenly becoming unavailable because of network problems or a power outage?  What if the part that failed was the master node of a map-reduce operation?  How do we discourage free riders that use too many resources of others without contributing anything of their own? How do we ensure that confidential data is only processed on authorized nodes?

These are fascinating questions, and we're lucky to be funded to investigate them in ASCENS.  Stay tuned as we'll report on our progress.

Posted by Matthias Hölzl

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